Where Are Lund Boats Made?

Lund Boats

Lund Boats

Lund Boats is a name synonymous with quality and craftsmanship in the boating industry. For decades, Lund has been producing some of the most reliable and high-performing fishing and recreational boats. The question of where Lund Boats are made is one that many enthusiasts and potential buyers ask. Understanding the origin of these boats offers insights into their quality and the heritage behind their production. This article explores the manufacturing process, the facilities, and the history of Lund Boats.

The History of Lund Boats

Lund Boats was founded in 1948 by G. Howard Lund in New York Mills, Minnesota. The company initially focused on aluminum fishing boats, a material and design choice that was innovative at the time. Over the years, Lund Boats gained a reputation for durability, reliability, and superior craftsmanship. Today, the company continues to be a leader in the boating industry, known for its fishing, hunting, and recreational boats.

Manufacturing Locations

Lund Boats are primarily manufactured in New York Mills, Minnesota. This location has been the heart of Lund’s production since its inception. The choice of Minnesota is significant due to the state’s rich boating culture and its proximity to numerous lakes, making it an ideal location for boat manufacturing.

  1. New York Mills, Minnesota
    • Main Manufacturing Plant: The primary manufacturing facility in New York Mills is where the magic happens. This plant is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by skilled craftsmen who take pride in every boat they build. The process here involves everything from initial design and engineering to final assembly and quality control.
    • Quality Control: Lund is known for its stringent quality control processes. Every boat undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the high standards that Lund is known for. This includes water testing to check for leaks, stability, and performance.
  2. Additional Facilities
    • While New York Mills is the main hub, Lund Boats also has additional facilities that support various aspects of production and distribution. These facilities may handle components manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics to ensure that Lund Boats are efficiently distributed across North America and beyond.

The Manufacturing Process

The process of building a Lund boat is intricate and detailed, reflecting the company’s commitment to quality and durability.

  1. Design and Engineering
    • Every Lund boat starts with a design. The design team uses advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software to create precise models of each boat. These models are then tested using simulations to ensure they will perform well in real-world conditions.
    • Materials: Lund boats are typically made from high-quality aluminum, chosen for their durability and lightweight properties. This material is ideal for both fishing and recreational boats as it offers longevity and ease of maintenance.
  2. Cutting and Forming
    • Once the design is finalized, the manufacturing process begins with cutting and forming the aluminum. This is done using high-tech machinery that ensures each piece is cut with precision.
    • Welding and Assembly: The cut pieces are then welded together by skilled technicians. Welding aluminum requires specific expertise to ensure strong, durable joints that can withstand the rigors of boating.
  3. Painting and Finishing
    • After the hull and other major components are assembled, the boat undergoes painting and finishing. Lund Boats uses a multi-step painting process that ensures a durable and attractive finish. This process also includes anti-corrosion treatments to protect the boat in various water conditions.
  4. Rigging and Outfitting
    • The next step involves rigging the boat with the necessary equipment and fittings. This includes installing the engine, electrical systems, seating, and other components. Lund boats are known for their thoughtful layouts and high-quality fittings, ensuring that every boat is not only functional but also comfortable and user-friendly.
  5. Quality Assurance
    • Before a boat leaves the factory, it undergoes a series of quality checks. These checks include inspections of the hull, fittings, and systems to ensure everything is in perfect working order. Each boat is also tested in water to verify its performance and safety.

Why Made in Minnesota Matters

The fact that Lund Boats are made in Minnesota is a point of pride for the company and its customers. Minnesota’s rich boating culture and numerous lakes provide the perfect testing ground for these boats. The local workforce is skilled and experienced, with many workers having deep connections to the boating community. This ensures that every boat is built with a passion for quality and performance.


Lund Boats‘ manufacturing process is a testament to the company’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship. Made primarily in New York Mills, Minnesota, these boats benefit from a rich local boating culture and a skilled workforce. The meticulous process, from design to final quality checks, ensures that every Lund boat meets the high standards that the brand is known for. Whether you are an avid fisherman or a recreational boater, you can trust that a Lund boat will deliver exceptional performance and durability, thanks to its Minnesota-made heritage.

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